This is the link to my theory work with Mr. Codling - http:://

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Preliminary Task (Unedited Version)

This video is the original footage Hannah & myself shot of our preliminary task. What with this being the unedited and untouched version, several obvious mistakes can be pointed out.
These include:
  • Opening doors 3 times
  • The footage jumps about
  • Continuity errors such as not being in the same position in one shot as you were in the last one
  • Making mistakes with the speech
  • Camera shaking/being run for too long
However, on the edited version, these minor mistakes have been removed or corrected, and a few extra transitions and effects have been added to enhance the quality of the footage. This will be uploaded next.

1 comment:

  1. Some good comments and awareness shown of errors made. Please upload the completed version. Don't forget to mention the purpose and use of close-ups.
